1. Miner's Trail

The Miner’s Trail is a combination of Arrowtown’s trails that is part of the annual Motatapu series of adventure racing. Most of the year it’s available to runners to share with walkers, starting and finishing at the bottom of Tobin’s Track. The varied trail includes farm roads, back-country single tracks, river crossings and namesake miner’s trails to create a loop that ascends to 906m above sea level and tracks down through New Chum Gully. Runners meet the Arrow River and follow its back to Arrowtown, finishing with a flat run back to the carpark, or a stop in Arrowtown for a welcome coffee or meal.

Big Hill Saddle, Arrowtown

Big Hill Saddle

2. Big Hill

This trail unsurprisingly features a pretty solid ascent to the top of Big Hill. Starting in Arrowtown, the trail covers private land and is described as more of route than an official trail. On your run you’re following what was the main road into Macetown before the road opened in 1884. Once you’re at the top of Big Hill, either descend towards Macetown or return the way you came, completing the Sawpit Gully route around German Hill back to Arrowtown.

Moonlight Track, Queenstown

Moon Light Track. Image by @alexdarkphotos

3. Moonlight Track from Moke Lake to Arthur’s Point

The Moonlight Track is a popular walk with locals and visitors alike and a challenging trail run leading from Moke Lake (the turnoff to Moke Lake is on the road to Glenorchy 15 minutes from Queenstown) to Arthurs Point on the other side of town or in the other direction. From Moke Lake head up towards Seffertown and continue down away from the Ben Lomond Saddle towards Arthurs Point and take in the views over the Shotover River.

Game runners can complete the full 33km trail from town, or drive to one starting point. 

Note: This track crosses private land and is managed by Ben Lomond Station. Check in with the Department of Conservation on Stanley Street to make sure it isn’t closed for any reason. 

Lake Rere, Greenstone Caples Track

Lake Rere

4. Lake Rere

This loop track takes in part of the Greenstone Caples track to the west of Lake Wakatipu’s northern arm. Head off in a clockwise direction and cross the Greenstone Station’s open paddocks for an hour to warm up, before heading into the red beech forest to Lake Rere. The Lake was a popular spot as far back as the 19th Century. The trail continues to join the Greenstone Track.

Getting there: Drive north towards Glenorchy and continue past the town for another hour to the start of the Greenstone track.


It's Good to Know

Before heading out on your adventure, make sure to stop at the Department of Conservation (DOC) office to pick up your map and make sure your chosen trail is suited to your abilities. It pays to check New Zealand Metservice weather forecasts too, and you can register your intended route and timings with someone you know through the Adventure Smart website.

For more information on Queenstown’s running and walking trails, check out our website and follow us on social media.