About Destination Queenstown

Destination Queenstown (DQ) is a Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) and is responsible for destination marketing, domestically and internationally, as well as destination management.

It works with its members (commercial ratepayers in Queenstown and subscription members), partners, and industry groups (such as Tourism New Zealand and Tourism Industry Aotearoa), across a range of destination marketing and management initiatives.

In 2023 the region’s destination management plan, a partnership between DQ, Lake Wānaka Tourism and Queenstown Lakes District Council, was endorsed by councillors and launched. The destination management plan focuses on regenerative tourism, and a carbon zero visitor economy, by 2030.

DQ is responsible for the branding and positioning of Queenstown, promoting the Queenstown District as a world-class, regenerative visitor destination via a variety of channels and we act as the neutral co-ordinator of initiatives and campaigns that benefit our members.

On an international level, we work closely with Tourism New Zealand and in our long haul markets we promote the wider Southern Lakes region alongside our neighbours Lake Wānaka Tourism and Central Otago.

DQ is funded by all businesses in town via a contribution from their commercial rates. This is collected by the Queenstown Lakes District Council on DQ’s behalf.

This structure was developed because tourism was recognised as Queenstown’s primary industry, providing benefits to all local businesses.

DQ’s funding and organisational structure offers a unique, collective approach that provides destination level marketing as well as a region-wide approach to destination management.

Our history

Queenstown’s journey to becoming the Southern Hemisphere’s premier four-season lake and alpine resort started when it became a popular summer holiday destination for Southerners as far back as the late 1800s. As better roads and facilities were established, the town became a picturesque overnight stop for coach tours. The opening of Coronet Peak in 1947 brought ski resort popularity.

The region has always been a magnet for adventurers and entrepreneurs, and it was their innovative ways of enjoying the spectacular natural environment that forged Queenstown’s enduring reputation as a world leader in adventure tourism.

In 1985, the Queenstown Promotion Bureau was officially launched as an industry body with the purpose of marketing and promoting the region to visitors. Over the years, the organisation grew and developed with the town and in 1996 was renamed Destination Queenstown.

Now, with its majestic beauty, unrivalled range of activities, attractions and accommodation and friendly southern hospitality, Queenstown has become one of the world’s most desirable destinations.


Working with Destination Queenstown

We are committed to offering ongoing support to our members and identifying opportunities to work together. Learn more about our membership benefits or to find out how your business can join Destination Queenstown Inc.  


Visit in Person

You're welcome to visit us at:

Mountaineer Building
Level 2, 32 Rees Street 
Queenstown 9300

We recommend you contact us to arrange an appointment with members of our team in advance. We also attend a number of tourism industry and community events throughout the year. If you're a local business, please visit the members' section of our site to find out when and where our next industry update is going to be held.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.
We'll direct your enquiry to the appropriate team member at Destination Queenstown.

Please direct all enquiries to reception@queenstownNZ.nz or call +03 441 0700


Meet the Team

We're a friendly group so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us regarding destination marketing opportunities for Queenstown. 


Leadership Team

Portrait of Mat Woods, Chief Executive

Mat Woods Chief Executive

Sarah O'Donnell portrait

Sarah O'Donnell Marketing & Communications Director

Marketing & Communications Team

Ruby Soole Headshot

Ruby Cummins Brand & Marketing Manager

Sherri Gibb

Sherri Gibb Digital Marketing Manager

Daniella Jones Headshot

Daniella Jones Senior Marketing Executive

Ruby Knight Headshot

Ruby Knight Digital Marketing Executive

Cara Anderson headshot

Cara Anderson Trade Marketing Executive

Eilidh Blanchard Headshot

Eilidh Blanchard Data & Insights Analyst

Emma Shaw headshot

Emma Shaw Communications Advisor

Headshot of Amanda Tutton, Media Executive

Amanda Tutton Media Executive

Micaela headshot DQ

Micaela McLeod Sustainability Manager

Travel Trade Team

Linda McIntosh

Linda McIntosh Business Development Manager, Western

Yangzi Zhang headshot

Yangzi Zhang Account Manager, Asia

Headshot of Rose Wood, Business Development Executive

Rose Wood Business Development Executive

Convention Bureau Team

Sarah McDonald headshot

Sarah McDonald Queenstown Convention Bureau Manager

Head shot of Jess Langelaan, QCB Account Manager

Jess Langelaan Queenstown Convention Bureau Account Manager

Luisa Cardona

Luisa Cardona Business Development Executive

Member Services & Administration Team

Katie Obermoser

Katie Obermoser Human Resources & Administration Manager

Aimee Headshot

Aimee Riach Member Services Administrator

Love Queenstown

Ash Bickley

Ash Bickley Non-Profit Coordinator