Participant Details

All fields are required. Please type N/A if the question is not applicable.

Can use WhatsApp or similar

Name, relationship, contact number & email

Company Details

Name & phone number

Domestic Travel Details

(If relevant)

(If relevant)

Provide details if travelling with your partner, family or with colleagues, they will all need to fill in PIFs

International Travel Details

Please fill in this section if you are not a New Zealand resident or are coming from outside of New Zealand to participate in this famil. 

Note it is strongly recommended that you purchase travel insurance that includes cover for COVID-19 related expenses. All participants must understand and accept the circumstances in which you travel under and the associated risks. Destination Queenstown does not take responsibility or assume any liability for COVID-19 related disruptions or expenses.

(Date, time & flight number)

(Date, time & flight number)

(photo page)

(Company & policy number)

Health & Safety Details

(This information is confidential and used only for planning activities e.g. helicopters)

(e.g. Halal meals, vegan)

(e.g. bees, penicillin, nuts, shellfish)

(e.g. back or neck issues, wheelchair accessibility)

These answers are used for planning purposes only.

(e.g. pregnancy can preclude participation in certain activities)

(e.g. what activities you are interested in/ enjoy doing)


DQ activity follows all government advice and safety measures.  While being employed, contracted or involved in DQ’s famil you must follow the health advice relevant at the time.

If you are unwell, please let DQ know as soon as possible so bookings can be cancelled and/or rescheduled.  If there are changes in health advice before or during your trip, DQ will reassess activity and be in touch. For the latest health advice and information, please visit:

Terms & Conditions

Please click HERE to view the full Terms & Conditions

DQ reserves the right to cancel a FAMIL experience if the host identifies a health risk that has been omitted in the participants PIF form.

Consent: The below tickbox is in proxy of a signature. By ticking this tickbox, I accept the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) above and acknowledge that all the information provided by me is correct and true including my physical abilities as stated. I release and discharge Destination Queenstown (DQ) from liability for my death, injury, illness, damage, delay, loss or expense of any nature that I may suffer or incur in relation to my visit or activity with DQ.

* Indicates a required field.